Warm welcome to my 2023 Griever's Gift Guide! As a griever, I understand how hard it is for non-grievers to communicate with us. With that being said, I also understand how hard it is to celebrate holidays without our loved ones and how to gift something special without feeling offensive, misunderstanding or out of place. Since I've been on this side of the struggle, I have used TTL to provide resources to grievers and non-grievers. I'd love to share with you a start list of gifts that will leave your friends and family feeling closer to their loved ones. Thank you for being here and thank you for showing grievers that they are still loveable!
1. TATUM THE LABEL Apparel & Accessories

I can't start a gift guide and not plug TTL ;) These are the perfect accessories to add to your collection to feel closer to your loved one. I always recommend the "Wish You Were Here" collection for grievers and the reviews don't disappoint!
My favorites are:
"Wish You Were Here" Collection
2. Custom Font Ring - ETSY

3. Plush Fleece Photo Blanket

I got a few of these in the early days after the accident and they were so cozy and comforting. They always have amazing sales & coupon codes on their website. You can choose to add text or no text and they have a ton of photo collage templates.
LINK: Shutterfly Custom Blankets
4. Custom Hats & Embroidered Goods

I had my good friend Carley surprise me with some hats and a blanket embroidered in Keith's handwriting and it was so special. I have a few hats with his handwriting saying "I love you to the moon and BACK forever" & his signature, which was an inside joke. Carley can embroider anything you'd like!
LINK: Custom Hats & Embroidery
5. Custom Journal/Diary

This was one of my favorite items gifted to me. In grief, writing down your emotions, thoughts and memories is crucial and so important in all stages of grief. Grief journals are also an option - but here's my honest opinion of them: Grief journals are tricky. I've found some to be hurtful at all different times in my grief, some don't seem like they've been revised for the last 100 years and some are a little too broad. No shame towards grief journals, I just haven't found (or written 😉) one worth recommending.
6. Framed Photos

One thing I've found that's common among grievers is that almost, if not ALL, grievers think everyone else has forgotten their person died. What a great way to honor and show your respects by sharing a photo of a loved one.
Here are a few options depending on your price range!
7. ETSY: Self-Care Box

I loveeeeee these so much. Little effort with big impact. I love supporting shops on Etsy. They come pre-packaged with all the necessities so you can give your gift without wrapping/touching it.
LINK: ETSY Self Care Box Options
8. Custom Person or Pet Pillow in Any Size

I got this for Paige, of her father Pete, for her new baby's crib. It was such a special moment. Bringing Pete to life (in a way) for Savvy was amazing. This is for sure one of my favorite gifts I've ever gifted. So so so special. The quality is amazing and the turn around time was unbelievable! This size is: 16" indoor.
LINK: Custom Pillow in any size
9. Memory T-Shirt Quilts

Memory quilts!!! These are so sweet and extra special. I don't have one yet because I'm not sure I'm ready to part with any clothing. For this one, I will say - please ask the griever first and make sure they are ok with any ideas like this. It's been almost two years and I'm WARMING UP to the idea, but not fully there. Everyone is different, so please just check before.
ETSY - My first pick! High quality quilting.
10. Custom Playing Cards

These are by far one of my favorite gifts! My good friend Jenna asked me to send her 20 of my favorite pictures of Keith and had them made into playing cards. Playing cards and games in the early days of grief helped me tremendously. While I was drowning in flashbacks of the accident and the heavy heavy heavy depths of grief and confusion, games helped change my focus for a bit while helping bring some lighter days to the extremely heavy ones.
ETSY Option - Custom Photo Playing Cards (No photo limit)
Shutterfly Option - Custom Photo Playing Cards (9 photo limit)
11. Custom Bracelet with Photo

These are amazing and such great quality. You can have any photo placed inside and this company doesn't only offer bracelets but necklaces, rings, and even ornaments!
LINK: Wear Felicity Custom Bracelet
12. TATUM THE LABEL's Amazon Storefront
I continually add to my amazon storefront to make the griever gift giving process easy for you. If you need a gift for any occasion or a "just because I'm thinking of you" gift, my amazon storefront is a great place to start!